Tips to extend the life of your Garage Door

Your garage door can last for a long time. But, this is only possible if you take care of it properly. It isn’t difficult to give your garage the care it needs. You just have to know what to do and things to look out for to prevent or stop damage before it gets severe.

You do not have to call a garage door repair technician for every garage door issue that you have. There are some things that you may be able to do on your own so you can prolong the life of your garage door.

Here are a few tips that you should pay attention to keenly if you want your garage door to last for a long time.

  • Pay attention to your garage door.

This may sound very vague and you may be wondering what it means. But, it is as simple as it sounds. When your garage door is functioning well, it should open and close smoothly. It shouldn’t be noisy either. Once you notice anything out of the ordinary with your garage door, it means that something is wrong.

Some things that you should pay attention to are:

  • Symmetry between both sides of the door
  • Jerky movements
  • Grinding or scraping noises
  • Broken springs, cables or pulleys

Add some lubrication to moving parts.

Sometimes the reason why your garage door is noisy is because it needs a little lubrication. All you need to do is grease those moving parts and your door should be quiet again. You don’t have to wait until the door starts to squeak. You can keep your door functioning quietly when you lubricate the moving parts periodically. You may not need to lubricate more than once a year but if you use your garage door a lot, it may require an additional lubrication throughout the year.

  • Tighten bolts and screws periodically.

Think about how often you open and close your garage door. In many households, a garage door will open and close at least two times each per day. This means that it is moving a whole lot in a short span of time. With so much wear and tear, it is possible for the bolts and roller brackets to get a bit loose. Examine them from time to time and see which ones need to be tightened. You don’t need a garage door technician to do that.

  • Keep the tracks clear.

Another way that you can prolong the life of your garage door is by making sure that there are no obstructions as it opens and closes. Keep all items and debris away from your garage door. Once there are no obstructions to the tracks, your door should function smoothly and quietly. If you have children around, make sure that they do not leave toys and other items in the pathway of your garage door too.

  • Check and replace the weather-stripping as needed.

The weather-stripping on your garage door is there to prevent many small items from getting inside your garage. If it gets cracked, or damaged otherwise, it will not function properly. Make sure you check it periodically and replace it if it gets damaged. Although it is quite easy to replace, you may call on a garage door repair company to handle it for you.

  • Check the door itself for damage.

If you have panels on your garage door, this may be more beneficial for you. Paneled garage doors can easily be repaired when damaged. If you notice that there is any form of damage to a section or panel, call your garage door repair company to have a look at it. The section can be replaced to prevent further damage to the door, depending on what type of damage it is.

  • Check the cables and springs.

Many garage doors will have issues with their springs at some point or another. In some cases, the spring can be repaired. In others, you will have to replace the springs. It is very important that you never attempt to fix damaged garage door springs on your own, unless you are a professional. It is a very dangerous thing to do. Let the experienced technicians handle all your garage door spring issues.

  • Check the balance of your garage door.

The best way to do this is by operating the door manually. When you push your garage door up to the hallway position, it should stay up without assistance. If it doesn’t, it means that the door is not properly balanced. This puts additional pressure on the springs and they will be prone to damage more easily. How can you resolve this issue? Call a garage door company and tell them the issue that you’re having. Any experienced garage door repair technician will know what to do to ease the pressure off your springs.

You do not have to go through several garage doors in your lifetime. Garage doors are made to last for a very long time. However, if you do not take care of your door, it may only last for a very short time. Although these tips may seem overwhelming, they are very easy to follow. But,if you prefer not to do these things, there is always an option.